
  • Forgiveness is giving up all hope of a better past.
  • Techniques: timelapse, pixelation, shot in sequence, in-camera editing and fade transition
  • Technical: 2:46. Shot on Max 8mm Canon 1014 XLS, transferred to digitalmedium 5K 18 fps.
  • Produced for the One Take Super 8 Event

Film and screening info

  • Super8 B&W, 3:30, 2015
  • Screenings:
    • The 8 Fest 2016 in Toronto, One Take Super 8 Event in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, 2015


  • Co-Directed by Chrystene Ells & Berny Hi
    Narrated by Chrystene Ells
    Cinematography by Berny Hi